What Exactly Do Beards Symbolize? - Beard Gains

What Exactly Do Beards Symbolize?

When it comes to beards, there are a lot of opinions out there. Some people see them as dirty and unkempt, while others see them as symbols of masculinity and power. What is it about beards that have inspired such strong feelings in people? And what do they symbolize? This blog post will look at some symbolism associated with beards and explore what they mean for different people.  

The Many Meanings of the Beard

two men in the desert riding horses

The beard has been a symbol of masculinity, power, and virility for centuries. But its meaning has varied widely from culture to culture and throughout history. In some cultures, the beard is seen as a sign of wisdom and respect, while in others, it is seen as a sign of rebellion or laziness. Let's look at the many different meanings of the beard throughout history and worldwide. 

The Ancient World

The beard was a sign of strength and virility in ancient times. In Egyptian culture, for example, pharaohs were often depicted with long, flowing beards as a symbol of their power and status. In Mesopotamian culture, beards were also seen as a sign of power, but they were often trimmed short so as not to interfere with combat. And in Greek culture, beards were seen as a sign of wisdom and intellectualism—so much so that philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle were often depicted with long, flowing beards. 

The Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, the meaning of the beard shifted somewhat. While it was still seen as a sign of masculinity, it was now also seen as a sign of religious piety. This is because many monks and other religious figures wore long beards to show their devotion to God. 

Related Link: Complete Guide to Shaping Your Beard

The Renaissance

During the Renaissance, beards fell out of fashion among the upper classes. They were seen as too "common" or "unrefined." However, they remained popular among peasants and other working-class people. It wasn't until the late 1500s that beards began to come back into fashion among the upper classes—and when they did, they came back with a vengeance! Bearded gentlemen like Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh were considered fashionable. 

The Victorian Era

During the Victorian Era, beards once again fell out of fashion. This time, they were seen as being too wild and untamed. Bearded gentlemen were considered rugged individualists who didn't fit in with society's expectations for proper behavior. As such, many men chose to shave their beards off during this period. 

Related Link: How to Train Your Beard The Right Way

Modern Times

The meaning of the beard varies widely from culture to culture. In some cultures, like those in parts of Africa and Asia, the beard is still seen as a sign of wisdom and respect. In others, like Europe and North America, it is seen as more of an individual choice—a way for men to express their personal style or beliefs. No matter what culture you're from or your personal beliefs, one thing is for sure: the beard is here to stay! 

Throughout history, the meaning of the beard has varied widely from culture to culture. In some cultures, it is seen as a sign of wisdom and respect, while in others, it is seen as more of an individual choice—a way for men to express their personal style or beliefs. No matter your personal beliefs about facial hair, one thing is for sure: The beard is here to stay!

Are you curious to know more about beard care? Visit our blog today!

What Are Some of the Most Popular Beard Styles Today 

If you're thinking about growing a beard or want to change your current style, you may be wondering what the most popular beard styles are today. Here are the most popular beard styles:

The Full Beard

The full beard is exactly what it sounds like—a beard that covers the entire face. This style is perfect for those who want a low-maintenance look. To achieve this look, simply let your beard grow out until it's the desired length, and then shape it as desired. One of the benefits of the full beard is that it can be styled in a variety of ways—so if you get bored with one look, you can always change it up.

The Goatee

The goatee is a small patch of hair on the chin, often with a mustache as well. This style is perfect for those who want a bit of facial hair without going all-in with a full beard. To achieve this look, simply allow your chin hair to grow out and then shave everything else. You can then shape your goatee as desired. 

The Mustache 

A mustache is a strip of hair above the lip. This style was once very popular and fell out of favor for some time but has made a comeback in recent years. There are all sorts of reasons why mustaches are popular – they can make you look more attractive, powerful, or distinguished. To achieve this look, simply allow your upper lip hair to grow out and then shave everything else. You can then shape your mustache as desired. 

Are you searching for new beard care products? Look at our selection at Beard Gains!

The Symbolism of Beards

man with a full beard

Beards have been around for centuries and are steeped in symbolism. Whether you’re growing a beard for the first time or just looking to learn more about beard care, our website is a great resource. We cover everything from how to grow a beard to the best products for keeping your facial hair looking its best.

Related Link: How to Grow a Fuller Beard This Year

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