Beard Hair vs Head Hair: What's The Difference - Beard Gains

Beard Hair vs Head Hair: What's The Difference

If you have a beard, you've probably noticed that your facial hair is a bit different from the hair on your head. It might be coarser or grow in a different direction. You might even find that it's more challenging to style. So what gives? What is beard hair, and how is it different from the hair on your head? Let's take a closer look.

Related Link: The Top Health Benefits of Having A Beard

Beard Hair vs. Head Hair

serious bearded black man with closed eyes

Beard Hair Grows In Different Directions

A significant difference between facial hair and head hair is the direction in which it grows. While most head hair grows straight up from the scalp, beard hair often grows in multiple directions. This can make styling challenging, as you'll need to account for all the different growth patterns when shaping your beard. The best way to do this is to start with a cleanly trimmed beard and then shape it with scissors or a trimmer until you're happy with the result. 

Do you want to learn more about maintaining a beard? Learn more on our blog today!

Beard Hair Is More Prone To Damage

Finally, it's important to note that facial hair is more susceptible to damage than head hair. This is because the skin on your face produces less sebum than the scalp, which means that your beard is more likely to become dry and brittle. To help combat this, make sure to use a good quality Beard oil or balm. These products will help to keep your facial hair hydrated and looking its best. 

As you can see, there are quite a few differences between facial and head hair. But don't let that discourage you from growing a beard! With a little bit of care and attention, you can have a healthy and stylish beard that you can be proud of. 

What Is the Difference Between Shaving and Trimming Your Beard Hair vs. Shaving Your Head Hair?

There are a few critical differences between shaving your beard hair and shaving your head hair. For one thing, head hair is generally much finer than beard hair. This means it's easier to get a close shave when you're shaving your head. However, it also means you're more likely to experience razor burn

Beard hair is also generally coarser than head hair. This means that it's more challenging to get a close shave, but it also means that you're less likely to experience razor burn. This is because each strand of facial hair is thicker than a strand of head hair. And while you might not think this would make much of a difference, it does. Coarse hair can be more difficult to style, and it's also more prone to frizzing. If you find your beard challenging to tame, you might want to try using a conditioner or oil explicitly designed for facial hair. These products can help to soften the hair and make it easier to style. Ultimately, the type of hair you have will largely dictate how easy it is to care for. If you have thick, unruly beard hair, you may need to put in a bit more effort to keep it looking neat and tidy. On the other hand, if you have thin, fine-head hair, you may find that it's relatively easy to style and maintain.

It's important to note that the skin on your face is much more sensitive than your head's. This means you must be extra careful when shaving your beard to avoid irritation. 

Related Link: Shaping Your Beard To Match Your Face

Growing Facial Hair While Balding

old man in mirror brushing his beard

Many men experience hair loss as they age. It's normal to lose some hair as you get older, but it can be discouraging if you're trying to grow a beard and your head hair is thinning out. The good news is that you can still grow a beard, even if you're balding! Here's how:

First things first, don't worry! It's normal to lose some head hair as you age. In fact, by the time you reach your 50s, it's estimated that 50% of men will have experienced some degree of hair loss. So, if you're in your 50s and balding, don't panic—you're not alone. 

That said, you can do a few things to help encourage beard growth, even if you are losing head hair. First, make sure you're eating a healthy diet. A healthy diet won't magically make your hair grow back, but it will give your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly, which can, in turn, help encourage beard growth. Second, try using beard oil or balm. These products can help hydrate and nourish your facial hair, making it more likely to grow thick and full. 

Finally, be patient! Growing a beard takes time—it doesn't happen overnight. So, if you don't see results right away, don't give up! Keep at it, and pretty soon you’ll have the thick, full beard you always wanted. 

It can be discouraging to lose head hair when you're trying to grow a beard, but don't worry—you can still do it! Just make sure you're eating a healthy diet, using products like beard oil or balm to nourish your facial hair, and being patient while your beard grows in. With a little time and effort, you'll have the thickest, fullest beard around.

Looking to find new beard care items? Check out the options we have at Beard Gains today!

Having Beard Hair & Head Hair

Now that you know the difference between beard hair and head hair, it’s important to keep your beard healthy and looking good. Be sure to check out our site for more information on how to take care of your beard, including tips on how to style it and what products to use.

Related Link: The Best Solutions to Skin Problems Caused By Beards

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