Why Does My Facial Hair Grow So Fast? - Beard Gains

Why Does My Facial Hair Grow So Fast?

Have you ever noticed that your facial hair seems to grow faster than the hair on your head? Or you struggle to keep your beard or mustache trimmed because it grows back in no time. If so, you're not alone. Many people wonder why their facial hair grows faster than the rest of their hair, and in this blog post, we'll explore some of the possible reasons behind this phenomenon.

Facial hair growth is typically fast and often quite noticeable to its owner. But why does facial hair grow faster than the rest of our body hair? There are several potential explanations for this fast growth, although science hasn't yet determined which one is true.


One reason why your facial hair may grow faster than the hair on your head is because of your genetics. Like some people are prone to having thicker or thinner hair, your genetic makeup can also affect the rate at which your facial hair grows. If your parents or grandparents had particularly fast-growing facial hair, you might too. Genetics can influence the rate and pattern of facial hair growth. Studies have found that genetics account for up to 60 percent of the differences in beard growth between individuals. Studies have also shown that men with fast-growing beards tend to come from families with a history of fast-growing facial hair.

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Another factor that can impact the speed of your facial hair growth is your hormones. Testosterone, in particular, has been shown to stimulate facial hair growth. Men typically have higher testosterone levels than women, which is why men tend to have thicker and faster-growing facial hair. However, it's important to note that everyone's hormone levels are different, so even if you're a man, your facial hair growth rate may not be the same as someone else's. Moreover, certain health conditions can also affect your hormone levels and, thus, your facial hair growth rate. Hyperthyroidism is one example, as it can cause an overproduction of hormones like testosterone and DHT. This can lead to fast-growing facial hair that appears darker and thicker than usual. Conversely, hypothyroidism causes low levels of testosterone, leading to slower-growing or even non-existent facial hair growth. 


An Elderly Couple Walking on the Sidewalk

As we get older, our bodies go through several changes, and this includes changes in hormone levels and the rate at which our hair grows. It's not uncommon for facial hair to grow faster in men as they age, so if you're in your late twenties or beyond, this could be a factor in your fast-growing facial hair. Usually, though, The rate of facial hair growth is faster in younger people than in older adults. This is due to the simple fact that young people typically have higher levels of hormones in their bodies than elderly individuals, as testosterone and other hormones are responsible for stimulating fast beard and mustache growth. 

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Some studies have shown that facial hair growth can vary based on ethnicity. For example, men of African descent may have thicker and faster-growing facial hair than men of Asian or European descent. This is due in part to differences in hormone levels and genetics.

Diet and Lifestyle

Your diet and lifestyle can also affect the rate at which your facial hair grows. A healthy, balanced diet with plenty of protein, vitamins, and minerals can help promote healthy hair growth. On the other hand, a poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption can inhibit hair growth. It is important to maintain a balanced diet even though you believe it is growing your facial hair too fast. Protein is essential for healthy beard growth, as it helps to build and repair the hair follicles that are responsible for producing facial hair. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy sources of carbohydrates can help provide your body with the necessary energy to keep facial hair healthy. Additionally, vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, and E have all been linked to facial hair growth. Vitamin A helps stimulate the sebaceous glands, which produce natural oils that keep facial hair healthy, while vitamins B-complex, C, D, and E all act as antioxidants that aid hair growth. 

Skincare routine

A Man Washing his Face on the Bathroom Sink

Believe it or not, your skincare routine can also impact the growth of your facial hair. Using harsh or drying products on your skin can irritate the hair follicles, potentially slowing down hair growth. Using nourishing, moisturizing products can help keep your skin and hair healthy, potentially promoting healthy growth.

Related: Can Facial Hair Cause Acne? 

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Medical conditions

In some cases, fast-growing facial hair may indicate an underlying medical condition. For example, states like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or hyperthyroidism can cause increased facial hair growth in women. Moreover, certain health conditions can also contribute to slowed facial hair growth as we age. For instance, diabetes can cause damage to the blood vessels responsible for delivering hormones like testosterone around the body, which means that these hormones aren't able to stimulate fast facial hair growth as much as they would in a healthy person. Additionally, some medications used for chronic illnesses, such as high blood pressure or depression, may also reduce the number of hormones available for fast facial hair growth. If you're concerned about your facial hair growth, it's always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment. 

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To Wrap it Up

While science has yet to discover exactly why some people experience fast facial hair growth and others do not, many factors are believed to play a part in determining the speed at which your facial hair grows. Factors considered in beard growth are genetics, hormones, age, ethnicity, diet and lifestyle, skincare routine, and medical conditions. Whether you think your beard grows too fast or slow, try to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, and take care of your skin to help support healthy facial hair growth.

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