In the second of our beard championship beards and mustaches series, we look at the partial Beard category. A category for those who don't wish to comply with other category rules or just want the best of both worlds. In other words, the awkward ones amongst us, may you live on growing by your own rules forever.
Partial Beards

Goatee Natural The key to this category is to be as natural as possible and although it should be maintained you are not permitted to use any styling aids and the mustache mustn't be curled and be shaven 4cm from the temple.

Musketeer This mustache cannot be grown with hairs beyond 1.5cm either side of the mouth and should be slender and drawn out with a slight bow. The beard should be slender and groomed. No battling with the cardinals of the 16th Century is required nor an ability to use a sword.

Fu Manchu The chin and all parts of the face 2cm past the mouth should be shaved and the tips of the mustache must extend downwards. Deep meditation and thought are allowed whilst growing as is constant stroking in a knowledgeable manner. Mustache wax and other aids are permitted.

Goatee Freestyle Anyone not meeting the requirements of the other categories or of a rebellious nature is recommended to enter this category. However at 4 cm should be clean-shaven between it and the temple. Styling aids such as mustache comb are allowed. Useful for blocking out any unwanted conversations

Imperial Partial Beard/Kaiser Beard Hair is only permitted to grow on the upper lips and cheeks and be clean-shaven 4 cm between facial and head hair. Whiskers must be curled upwards but not closed and hairs on the upper lip mustn't be separated from cheek hairs. Thankfully styling aids are allowed though should you be assassinated whilst growing, the championship is not responsible for starting international conflict on your behalf.

Partial Beard Freestyle and Sideburns For those who really wish to go for it, this category allows all partial beards that aren't goatees or meet the criteria of other categories to compete. 4 cm between temple and goatee must be shaven as well as 4 cm of the chin. The championship is not responsible for any breakdown of relationships due to this style and an understanding significant other is advised. You can thank the King, Elvis, for this category which was added in 2003 and, much like the man himself has remained controversial ever since. Due to the absence of sideburns, The German Beard clubs translates this to "Whiskers 'Freestyle' & 'Sideburns'. Though most believe it's really down to the fact that sideburns get caught in the early light whilst stealing all the sunbeds. Custom beard combs can be used for impressive effect but have no use in reserving poolside seating. Next time we look at the Full Beard category for those seriously hairy faced men out there who take their beards as seriously as a razor blade held way too close to their nether regions by a disgruntled ex-girlfriend. As always my bearded brothers, may you live long and grow bushy.