Verdi One step up from the last beard, this needs a bit more attention to detail as the beard must be full, short and rounded at the bottom which should be no longer than 10 cm from the lower lip. Competitors would do well to employ a full beard grooming kit in this category. The hairs of the mustache can only grow from 1.5 cm from the side of the mouth and must be distinct from the beard. So, in a nutshell, this is the full beard for the modern day man who wishes to go full on but still tame the beast at the same time, and no, you don't need to have a love of opera to enter this category.

Garibaldi The restrictions in this particular category are that the beard is wide and rounded and no longer than 20 cm from the lower lip. The mustache must be attached to the beard and not styled in any way. Also, the beard mustn't curl at the bottom. The more natural the better in this category and no styling aids are allowed. A word to our English competitors, there is no requirement to eat the biscuits but if you do bring them along they will surely be appreciated.

Full Beard Freestyle This is the big daddy, the no holds barred beard of beards. Everything and anything is allowed in this category and any competitors who don't meet the criteria for the other categories get their chance to shine here as any length, styling aid or indeed creation is allowed and it has become the home of the true beard enthusiast. If your looking to go to town in any way shape or form that you wish then this is your Mecca. So there you have it, all the categories in the Beard Championships. Choose your beard and grow on my bearded brothers, grow on.